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Reconstruction of Cheek Defect with Facial Artery Perforator Flap. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery. 2012.10.
Reduction and Fixation Methods for Fractured Anterior Maxillary Sinus Wall Using Suture Tie. Archives of craniofacial surgery. 2013.10.
Reduction and Fixation Methods for Fractured Anterior Maxillary Sinus Wall Using Suture Tie. Archives of craniofacial surgery. 2013.10.
Reconstruction of Lower Face with Submental Artery Perforator Flap. Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery. 2014.5.
족부 합지증 교정을 위한 학동기 아동 발가락의 생체계측학적 연구(The Toe Anthropometry Of School-aged Children For The Correction Of Syndactyly Of The Foot). 석사학위논문. 2015.2.
The Oral Cavity Burn by Firework Explosion. Journal of Korean Burn Society. 2015.6.
Inverted Nipple Correction Using a Combination of the Perpendicular Suture Method and the Purse-String Suture Method. Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2017.6.
Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancers of the Head and Neck: A Clinical Study in Jeju Province. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2017.7.
Hair Control during Scalp Surgery Using a Sterile Gel Technique. Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2018.2.
Application of acellular dermal matrix without skin graft in fingertip injury. The Journal of Medicine and Life Science. 2018.6.
Review of negative-pressure wound therapy. The Journal of Medicine and Life Science. 2018.12.
Use of Acellular Allogenic Dermal Matrix in Soft Palate Reconstruction after Excision the Pleomorphic Adenoma. The Korean Society for Head and Neck Oncology. 2019.5.
A Novel Dressing Method Using a Silicone Sheet to Maintain Distant Abdominal Flaps after Reconstruction of Finger Skin Defects. Journal of Wound Management and Research. 2019.9.
Reconstruction of a scalp defect due to cochlear implant device extrusion using a temporoparietal fascia flap and a split-thickness skin graft from the scalp. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery. 2019.10.
Effectiveness of radiotherapy for head and neck skin cancers: a single-institution study. Radiation Oncology Journal. 2019.12.
Surgical treatment of rhinophyma using an ordinary bur. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery. 2020.8.
Usefulness of full-thickness skin grafting from the infraclavicular area for facial reconstruction. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery. 2020.12.
Feasibility of Imaging Modalities Combined with a Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implant in Korean Women. Gels. 2023.03.

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대표자|강재경    사업자등록번호|185-55-0922

대표번호| 064. 904. 1258   팩스| 064. 904. 1259

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